The pet weight gain story
The pet weight gain story

And there are certainly differences of expert opinion about exactly what constitutes a healthy diet. It can affect different people differently - possibly due to differences in metabolism or inherited factors. There is much which is not yet understood about weight and weight gain. However, even if your diet is entirely healthy, it is likely that if you eat more calories than your body is using up, you will gain weight. See the separate leaflet called Healthy Eating. 'All things in moderation' is probably the best motto. A large plate of steamed broccoli does not provide the same number of calories as a large plate of cake! Experts are divided about whether fat or sugar is the biggest cause of weight gain, but the sensible option is a balanced diet. What you eat may be almost as important as how much you eat. Both food and drink (see below) contribute to your daily calorie intake. Broadly speaking, people need between 2,000 and 2,800 kilocalories (kcal) per day to be moderately active and maintain their weight at a stable level. However, for all individuals, regularly eating more calories than your body uses each day will, over time, cause you to gain weight.

the pet weight gain story

Men and women have different calorie requirements but it also varies by age, activity level and other differences between individuals. A 20-year-old male athlete, for example, will need to eat more than a housebound elderly lady. Different people have different calorie requirements to keep their weight at the same level.

The pet weight gain story